

Phone: +1 712 634 0573

Address: 28 October Ave 363, 3107 Limassol | Cyprus

Email: [email protected]

About company

Enjoy the ultimate platform.

Simple and user-friendly trading platform.

BTCFud Fx is one of the world’s largest online brokers. We offer CFDs and other derivatives on forex, stocks & indices, cryptocurrencies, commodities, and derived to millions of registered users across the globe.
From inception, our goal was to break free of the high commissions and clunky products offered by traditional brokers. Also, we aim to deliver a first-class experience to digitally inclined traders, regardless of the size of their accounts.
For over 15 years, BTCFud Fx has established itself as a major player in the online broker fi nancial field, with a proven track record of positive customer satisfaction. Our key responsibility is to offer top notch services to all our traders. .

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2 thoughts on “BTCFud

  1. Вложил в эту контору более 2000 долларов и потерял все до последней копейки. Поверил рассказам о больших заработках, а по факту попался на аферистов и лишился всего. Причем переводил деньги в крипте…Если бы через банк, можно было бы попытаться вернуть, а так теперь незнаю что делать….

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